Prairie Bus Lines Brings Hawaii to the Drivers!

Prairie Bus Lines Brings Hawaii to the Drivers!

On June 27th, Prairie Bus Lines in Red Deer, celebrated the End of the 2023-24 School Year with bringing HAWAII to the drivers!  Ho’onanea! Drivers were greeted with an “Aloha and Lei”  and were able to enjoy the Beach Haven by laying under the palm trees and playing...
Prairie Bus Lines Joins the Rocky Pro Rodeo Parade!

Prairie Bus Lines Joins the Rocky Pro Rodeo Parade!

Prairie Bus Lines made a Grand Entrance when they joined the Rocky Pro Rodeo Parade on June 8th. Drivers from Rocky Mountain House shined up their boots and took the time to decorate one of Prairie Bus Lines buses to help celebrate 50 years of the Rocky Pro Rodeo...
Prairie Bus Lines Wins BIG at Provincial School Bus Road-eo!

Prairie Bus Lines Wins BIG at Provincial School Bus Road-eo!

This year, the 41st Annual Provincial School Bus Road-eo was held in Nisku, AB on June 8, 2024. The Road-eo recognizes excellence and provides for the demonstration of skills and responsible performance required in the demanding job of being a School Bus Driver.  This...
School Bus Road-eo Rides into Red Deer!

School Bus Road-eo Rides into Red Deer!

Approximately 30 bus drivers from across Central Alberta put their skills to the test on May 25th during the annual local School Bus Road-eo held in Red Deer, AB.   Throughout the day, drivers from Prairie Bus Lines, Red Deer Catholic, Chinook’s Edge and Wolf Creek...
Prairie Bus Lines Celebrates Annual Awards!

Prairie Bus Lines Celebrates Annual Awards!

On April 27th, Prairie Bus Lines in Red Deer, AB held their Awards Celebration with employees coming from as far as Rocky Mountain House and Drayton Valley to receive an award! We had one very special recipient who received her 40 year Long Service Award!! ...